If you are looking to reduce or eliminate your dependence on glasses or contact lenses, Clear Lens Exchange may be the answer. Unlike other laser vision correction surgeries like LASIK, Clear Lens Exchange is suitable for adults of all ages and can help you achieve a full range of vision not just distance!

In replacing the natural lens of the eye with an advanced intraocular lens implant, you can turn back the clock on your vision, correct astigmatism and even permanently eliminate the likelihood of cataracts in your future.

At Cityedge Vision Centre, we offer a range of advanced intraocular lens implants and state of the art femtosecond laser-assisted surgery to help you take your vision beyond the limits of other laser vision correction options with a permanent lens implant.


If you are interested in having CLE surgery, we recommend that you first see an optometrist to assess your vision or determine if you are a candidate for an alternate vision correcting surgery like our Refractive Cataract Surgery.

We rely on the professional opinion of other healthcare providers including optometrists to conduct preliminary assessments to ensure your visit is medically necessary and that all patients have access to the care they need. We also accept referrals from family physicians and medical specialists.

You can ask for a referral to our practice and we will discuss your options with you during an initial consultation.

All consultations and follow-up care are covered by the Ontario Health Insurance Plan (OHIP) as per Ministry of Health guidelines regarding access to insured services for all patients. Refractive procedures and advanced intraocular lens implants are not covered by OHIP. You may be eligible for reimbursement if you have private insurance coverage. Please contact your insurance provider for more information.

Freedom From Glasses