Diagnostic testing is frequently a routine part of a visit to your ophthalmologist. Read below to understand how these tools can help provide your doctor with information about the inner structures of your eye and how they may affect your diagnosis and vision treatment plan.


Visual Field Test

A visual field test maps out what your world looks like to you. It measures the how wide of an area your eye can see. 

The visual field test can detect changes to your vision which would not otherwise be noticed by you until the damage is severe. 

Visual field tests may used as a baseline between visits. For patients with glaucoma, cataract, macular degeneration, and diabetes, a visual field test is a way for your ophthalmologist to monitor your vision and care for your eyes.  

Visual field tests take approximately 5-10 minutes for each eye.


OCT: Ocular Coherence Tomography Test

Optical coherence tomography uses light waves to take cross-section pictures of your retina.

Our OCT machine is the best in ocular technology. It gives the most enhanced view of your retina to provide you with accurate insight on your eye health and any progression of diseases of the eye as soon as possible.

We are able to obtain a high definition 3D model of the layers of your eye to help up map your retina. It can also be used to examine your optic nerve.

A baseline scan takes approximately 10 minutes. Repeat scans may require less time.