Laser therapy can be part of our treatment plan for you. Laser treatment is fast, painless, and effective. Depending on your condition, you may see improvement in just one visit. The laser can access both the front and the back of your eye without any surgical interventions or injections.  All laser procedures are done on site in the clinic. During a laser treatment session, you will be seated in front of a device asked to remain still during the procedure. The actual laser therapy session takes only a few minutes though you should expect your appointment to take longer to allow time to discuss your treatment plan and to have your eye dilated. 

It is recommended that for your laser treatment session, you bring a friend or family member to drive you home following treatment. You may experience blurry vision following the procedure.

Post-cataract surgery

During your cataract operation, the natural lens inside your eye that had become cloudy was removed. A new plastic lens was put inside the lens membrane or capsule in your eye. In some patients, the capsule thickens after surgery and becomes cloudy or opaque. This interferes with the light reaching the back of the eye. When this happens, your sight becomes misty, and you may get glare in bright light or from lights at night-time. Capsule thickening can happen in the months after your cataract operation, but more commonly occurs about two years after surgery. 

Prevent a retinal detachment

A retinal tear can happen when the vitreaous (or jelly) inside the eye comes away from the retina or due to trauma to the eye. Some people who are very shortsighted are at much greater risk of developing tears. This can also occur as a natural part of the ageing process. When retinal tears are left untreated, there is a very high risk of developing retinal detachment. The retina can become detached because fluid from inside the eye is able to enter the tear, causing the retina to lift off from the underlying tissue below. Retinal detachments require surgery.

Reduce eye pressure - Narrow angle glaucoma

Narrow angles limit the outflow of fluid from the eye causing it to back up, which increases pressure in the eye. The “angle” that we refer to is the angle between the iris, which makes up the coloured part of your eye, and the cornea, which is the clear window front part of your eye. The elevated eye pressure can damage the optic nerve. Although a laser iridotomy is sometimes used to relieve a build up of pressure in your eye that is already underway, it is much more commonly recommended as a preventative measure before there are any symptoms at all.

Reduce eye pressure - Open angle glaucoma

Selective Laser Trabeculoplasty or SLT is a laser treatment for open-angle glaucoma that lowers eye pressure. It can be used as initial treatment, instead of eye drop medications, or as additional treatment when medications do not adequately reduce the eye pressure.

It is often effective but that effectiveness may wear off after some period of time. It can be repeated but the effect may be reduced with repeat treatment. SLT is not a cure for glaucoma but one of many tools to keep it under control.

Remove irritating eyelashes

If you have many lashes growing toward your eye, they may cause irritation. A laser can target them and remove these lashes.

Prevent a retinal artery blockage

Retinal artery occulsion is a blockage of the artery carrying oxygen to the nerve cells at the back of the eye. The lack of oxygen delivery may result in severe loss of vision.

Treat abnormal vessels growth

Treatment prevents abnormal new vessels on the retina and in the drainage system of the eyeball from growing and encourages existing ones to shrink and scar up.