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Easy Steps to Administer Eye Drops



Tilt your head backward. Gently pull down your lower lid to form a pocket. 


Look up. Squeeze one drop into the pocket in your lower lid. Don’t blink, wipe your eye, or touch the tip of the bottle to your eye or face.


Close your eye. Keep closed for 3 minutes. 


Gently press on the inside corner of your closed eyes with your index finger and thumb to keep drops from draining into your tear duct.

Smart Tips

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For Better Control
Support your wrist on your cheek bone or use a 1 – 2 pound wrist weight.  


For Better Aim
Turn your head to the side and close your eye. Place the drop in the corner of your eyelid. Slowly open your eyes. The drop should fall in easily.


For Better Grip
Wrap small bottles with a folded paper towel to make the bottle wider. This works well for those with mild cases of arthritis.